Coming Soon to a City/Town/Village Near You - The Government Inspector

Gentleman I have bad news...the courtroom is filled with three hundred geese, the hospital doesn't have any beds, the postal department is full of delays and the English teachers can't utter a word without stuttering.

If you think thats bad, the streets are filthy, and the soldiers haven't been given their rations. There's also about forty cartloads of garbage stashed behind the old fence near the cobbler's. What a nasty little town this is. Nasty, nasty, nasty.

And who'll be blamed. The Mayor of course... along with his cronies (oops Distinguished Officials I mean).

Will they Survive.. a visit from The Government Inspector on the 26th, 27th and 28th of January, at the Lionel Wendt , from 7.30 pm onwards.???

Be there to find out!
P.S. - Hope this justifies the limited amount of Posts, you've been seeing recently on my Blog.