Blast in Kollupitiya

I have received news that there has been a blast in Kollupitiya, Colombo 3. The blast has occurred in Dharmapala Mw., (opposite City Bank) and people have been brought to the National Hospital.

A Govt Minister has been the target I hear. --> Ghotabaya Rajapakse - Defense Secretary.

News Update -

They say that Ghotabaya Rajapakse has escaped unhurt, or at least alive at this time.

interesting Facts about HSBC

I thought that you might find trouble falling asleep without knowing the valuable information I'm about to give you.

1.) HSBC Increases interested rate to 3.25% on their Credit Cards. Yup that's a staggering 39% annually. (Just when you thought Petrol prices are coming down and things are getting better)

2.) If you have access to HSBC Internet Banking, there is this great link that makes you feel good about your self, called "Net Worth". It reduces your Credit Card and Loan Payables from your Savings account and tell's you what your worth. I'm yet to break even. (I know this isn't a fact but thought it'd be useful, for an ego-boost or maybe not)

3.) Family Planning have detemined that the Highest Condom sales in the Country is from an outlet (Laughs Shed/Supermarket I think) close to the HSBC International Call Center known as HDPL in Rajagiriya, with some 2000 employees working under them.

There... now for some nice sleep. Now now, don't go thinking what those chaps at HDPL get down to. Servicing customers or their own. lol

Shaken or Stirred? Blondie or Bald?

Yes I'm talking about Bond! So there has been much rife about the new Bond, and most of it has been put in it's right place (atleast what I hear) with the folks who disliked Daniel Craig, admitting that he's "Not That Bad Afterall".

I know this it's too late to discuss all this now, since the movie is already out, but being the slow bugger/blogger I am, I thought what the hell. It all started with Craig being the first Blondie Bond. But then it went to a frenzy, and I even heard stories of he doesn't know how to handle a Manual Gear Shift. God me saying to myself "How the hell is he going to handle the Aston Martin?"

So it got me thinking of the likely replacement in my opinion. Now I'm not the movie buff like many on the Blogsphere, so the names I come up with may sound absurd and there might be many more worthy out there.

Looking back at the movies that caught my eye, the most likely to me, who had the same class, posture and finesse as the previous Bonds would be Jason Statham (The dude from Transporter 1 & 2). I know his Bald, but if we can have a Blondie Bond, and a Black Bond, why not a Bald Bond?

James Bond (Ian Flemming's impression)

Here's my list on judging a bond :
  1. He's got to look good in a suit, and in trunks coming out of the pool. (The Bond Look)
  2. Have the class and personality on and off the camera. (One thing Daniel Craig lacks I feel.. he's too shy off camera)
  3. Physique. (Able to rough it out with any Terrorist threatening World Domination but not Rough around the edges.)
  4. Flare for the Ladies (Typical Playboy, Charm the ladies off their feet and into Bed.. goes with no 2.. I think)
  5. Handle a Car.. Manual Shift preferably. (I know it's kinda Ironic coming from a Guy who drives an Automatic, but then again I'm not Bond.. lol)

Well there you go, enough of my rambling, considering the fact that I'm yet to watch the movie, so you can expect a new post (or an update to this one) after that. So lets give the bugger a chance. Some people were skeptical about Brosnan too, but I knew he was the guy to replace Sean Connery, after his role in 'Remington Steel'.

Is This The Case In Sri Lanka?

Start with a cage containing five monkeys. Inside the cage, hang a bunch of bananas on a string and place a set of stairs under it. Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs and start to climb towards the bananas. As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all of the other monkeys with cold water. After a while, another monkey makes an attempt with the same result -- all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon, when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it.

Now, put away the cold water. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the bananas and wants to climb the stairs. To his surprise and horror, all of the other monkeys attack him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs, he will be assaulted. Next, remove another of the original five monkeys and replace it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm! Likewise, replace a third original monkey with a new one, then a fourth, then the fifth.

Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked. Most of the monkeys that are beating him have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs or why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey.

After replacing all the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, no monkey ever again approaches the stairs to try for the bananas. Why not? Because as far as they know that's the way it's always been done around here.

Posted at

Friends, Enemies and Countrymen

Taken off the Asian Tribune. By Dayan Jayatilleka

Post war Italy’s most respected political and legal philosopher was Norberto Bobbio, who died a few years ago. A liberal leftist in orientation, he nonetheless endorsed and considered foundational, the work of a thinker of very different ideological persuasion, Carl Schmitt. The political theorising of Carl Schmitt, a conservative Catholic who initially opposed and then supported the Nazi state, was so brilliantly pioneering, that he is acknowledged (and taught) as a seminal political theorist, just as his contemporary Martin Heidegger, who had a similar political past, is widely respected as one of the most important philosophers of the 20th century.

Many contemporary Leftists - Marxists and post Marxists such as those around the journal TELOS and political theorist Chantal Mouffe- have rediscovered and appropriated Carl Schmitt’s insights, resulting in a school of thought dubbed ‘left Schmittian’. Schmitt’s best known conceptualisation is that the defining characteristic of politics and warfare is the distinction between friend and enemy. This definition is independently echoed by Mao Zedong around the same time, when he identified the key question as ‘who are our friends, who are our enemies?’

Norberto Bobbio refers to Schmitt and in his 1997 work Left and Right, develops this definition. According to Bobbio, there are only four basic positions which are possible in serious politics, deriving from Schmitt’s duality: friend/enemy. Bobbio’s fourfold categorisation is:

Enemy’s Enemy
• Enemy’s Friend
• Friend’s Enemy
• Friend’s Friend

What then is the picture that emerges when this matrix is applied to the contemporary Sri Lankan conflict?


The enemy is the LTTE which seeks to dismember Sri Lanka as a country and a state (and expand beyond what could reasonably be claimed as an ethnic homeland). The LTTE engages in terrorism of the worst sort, entailing assassination of democratic political leaders, suicide bombings and the witting targeting of civilians. The LTTE is also a formation which bears at least a family resemblance to fascism. It is therefore the enemy. This enemy is waging a war of aggression, an unjust war. (In his Just and Unjust Wars, the prominent, left-liberal, just war theorist Michael Walzer defines aggression as the violation of the territorial integrity or political sovereignty of a nation–state).


The country is kept together by the State. This would be so whatever its character. Sri Lanka is a sovereign democratic state, a legitimate authority and actor (unlike the LTTE). We are afforded a defence from anarchy, some form of representation and a minimum of civilised life by the state, which is a democratic state; a democratic republic.

At the heart of the state, any state, are the armed forces.

At the apex of the state is the executive.

The state is waging a defensive war to protect the country. For the reasons just mentioned – legitimate authority and defensive war - the war fought by the Sri Lankan state is a Just War.

When the state is at war and society stands threatened, the rights and freedoms that obtain in peacetime may temporarily be circumscribed or suspended. This is in a situation other than of normalcy; it is that situation described by Carl Schmitt as ‘the exception’. Who decides on which situation is exceptional? "Sovereign is he who decides on the exception" says Schmitt, referring to the Executive.

While it is greatly advisable, preferable and to be recommended, that war should be waged in a moral manner (and this, as Fidel would have it, is an imperative for liberation struggles and movements), the words of the great Karl Von Clausewitz, who (as Lenin acknowledged) knew these things, cannot be readily discounted:

“Of course moral scruples and legal principles may, by lucky accident, happen to coincide with the intelligent application of force to gain an objective. But of themselves, in the nature of things, they can have no direct effect on the conduct or the outcome of war”. (Clausewitz, On War)

That having been said, our common humanity demands as a moral absolute, the eschewing of deliberate - as distinct from accidental or coincidental – lethal targeting of unarmed, non-combatant civilians.

In Sri Lanka the executive is directly elected by the people. It is the most unmediated expression of popular sovereignty, unlike even the American executive in the election of which the Electoral College plays a crucial part.

Furthermore in Sri Lanka the executive can be elected only by a plurality i.e. 50.1%, unlike in many countries (say, Nicaragua) where one may be elected president with less than 40% of the vote.

In a distortion, President Jayewardene initially elevated himself to the presidency without an election (1978) and was re-elected while his main opponent had been disenfranchised. However this was not so in the case of his successors Ranasinghe Premadasa, Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga and now Mahinda Rajapakse, whose wielding of executive power was not lacking in legitimacy.

No democrat can therefore fail to classify the elected president of Sri Lanka as friend, and by the same logic, no one who classifies, regards or treats him (or earlier, her) as enemy, could in turn be classified as democrat or ‘friend’, and may indeed have to be regarded as objectively serving as ‘friend’s enemy’ or worse still, ‘enemy’s friend’.

The main duality that structures the Sri Lankan reality then, is the opposition – and it is an armed opposition- between the LTTE and the State.

Enemy’s Enemy

The enemy, the LTTE’s main enemy is the Sri Lankan state. Its secondary enemies are the anti-Tiger Tamil organisations, chiefly the Karuna faction (TMVP) and the EPDP, because these are the most consequential military and political opponents of the tigers. The other anti-Tiger groups, PLOTE and EPRLF are but residual, and the TULF is unarmed. Thus the enemy’s enemies are the Sri Lankan state – with the armed forces and the executive at its core – and the TMVP and EPDP.

Enemy’s Friend

Those who regard or refer to the LTTE uncritically: the TNA, some prominent elements of the UNP, the so-called peace lobby, one newspaper and perhaps an electronic media organization or two; externally some parties in Tamil Nadu.

Friend’s Enemy

The LTTE and those who, in this situation in which Prabhakaran prepares for his grand slam, treat the armed forces and/or the elected executive as the main enemy or the enemy or co-equal to the LTTE: the TNA, a stratum of the UNP, the so-called peace lobby, extremist Tamil Nadu politicians, some journalists local and foreign.

Friend’s Friend

According to all opinion polls, this would embrace the clear majority of the country’s citizens. Also the SLFP, many UNP MPs and most UNP voters (who probably identify with that party’s Deputy leader Karu Jayasuriya, a former volunteer Army officer who served in Jaffna), the JVP, the JHU, the bulk of the Buddhist clergy, most journalists in print and electronic media.

In this exceptional and extreme historical situation of existential threat it is incumbent upon all who are participants, observer-participants or simply commentators on the conflict to be aware that there are only these four standpoints or roles that can be played - deriving from the two main positions - whatever their subjective views and self-perceptions. There are no intermediate, neutral, or above- the-fray positions that can objectively, historically and concretely be occupied.

Four Thousand Traitors

Throughout this island’s recorded history, the recurrent and crucial factor in all defeats suffered, has been the presence of internal fissures and factionalism and the role of traitors. Therefore it is of critical importance to estimate the extent of this factor, as Prabhakaran sets the stage for his all-out offensive.

There are only 3,500-4,000 traitors in Southern Sri Lanka. The upper figure was the most generous estimate in the international media of Monday’s demonstration in Colombo. We should be thankful to the organisers of the march, ostensibly to protest the killing of parliamentarian Nadaraja Raviraj, but in actuality a demonstration marked by the most lurid charges against the Sri Lankan state and society: "stop killing Tamils! Open the A-9!" A garrulous woman even described the Southern areas such as Colombo as under fascism while denying that the Tiger controlled areas were!

These demonstrators, a conglomeration of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA), the Trotskyist Left, the so-called Antiwar Front, an MP each from the UNP and SLFP, and the Free Media Movement (FMM), represent the sum total of treachery, behind our lines. The Trotskyist banner (which reminded me why Stalin chose to bury the hatchet so to speak with old Leon, just before he had to deal with the Nazi threat) characterised Mr Raviraj as one who “built an alliance with the Left and fought for Tamil liberation”. Now that would be an accurate description of many non-Tiger and anti-Tiger Tamils, ranging from K Pathmanabha right up to Kethesh Loganathan, all of whom were killed by the Tigers! Except for those who died in combat, all those Tamils who "fought for Tamil liberation in alliance with the Left" were assassinated by the LTTE and none by the ‘terrorist’ state! However I did not see these Trotskyists such as Dr Wickremebahu (bootha) Karunaratne carrying this banner at their funerals!

The ‘National’ Antiwar Front, or more accurately the Anti National Anti War Front, or even more accurately the Anti National Pro (Prabhakaran’s) War Front carried a banner which hailed Mr Raviraj as "one who would be vindicated as a patriot by History". While that is debatable to say the least, I did not see photographs of these worthy citizens unfurling this same banner at Kethesh Loganathan’s funeral. Jehan Perera is quoted by Somini Sengupta of the New York Times as describing Kethesh’s style as ‘adversarial’ (which implies that Kethesh provoked his own death), but I have yet to read a line from him which describes Raviraj’s TV performances as being the same or even more so!

As we face Prabhakaran’s decisive ‘Final War’ over the coming weeks and months, we now know how large the Fifth Column is, how many collaborators with Tiger fascism we have amongst us and who they are. Luckily, they aren’t that many.

Royal Retain Hayman Trophy

This Saturday saw the 2nd Leg of the Dr. R. L. Hayman trophy being played at St. Thomas' Pool. Royal team going in with a lead of 6-4 from the first leg, managed to hang on to a 4-4 draw which enabled them to hold on to the Coveted Trophy for a 2nd Year in a row.

For more detail comments on the game I hope Shanaka might decide to drop by and not be too biased, since he together with Aloka were the Referee's of both the legs.

Raja FM Clips

Be it "Radio Sex" or "Sex Education" you decide. Try to listen to them with an open mind. I decided to provide all the links here, coz in my previous post I have quoted their Wiki, and glad to say that someone has put that page in order, so no more links for those who are really interested on what "Kanata Cool" as they call it was.

Here goes :

Attempt on life of TNA Parliamentarian Raviraj

Just heard that an attempt on the life of TNA Parliamentarian Raviraj, was made in the morning today. Some speculation was made that he actually has passed away at the national hospital.

The shooting has taken place in Elvitagala Mw.

I don't know much of the political scene to assume who would have committed the crime, coz it could be any one from the Govt, Karuna to LTTE. Although a similar incident took place last year when another TNA MP Joseph Pararajasingham was killed while attending midnight mass on Christmas Day.

Only time will tell, when different speculations arise whether the LTTE wanted to shut him up like they have done to soo many Tamil Parliamentarians or was it a foe.

All I can say is that he was a fun guy to listen in political debates on T.V., was amazed of his command of the Sinhala language. Although I'm not sure what his ulterior motives were, the loss would be saddening.


Mr. Raviraj's death has been confirmed.

Sri Lankan Sex Radio

No no, this is not an attempt to improve my hits nor increase random visitors who Google for "Sri Lankan Sex", but a true story I happened cath tuning in on Gold FM (although I would welcome the extra hits).

Raja FM, owned by the E. A. P. Group has been pulled off the air by the GOVT, due to the extent of Sexual Content on it.

Unfortunately I am not a listener of the said radio station, and only happen to listen to "Sirasa", "Y-Fm" and "MAX" on the Sinhala Band, so I cannot give you my opinions on the issue, however I found a wiki page that was already modified by an obviously irate listener, who also has provided some recordings of "Raja FM".

Here's one. Seems more like an open forum for discussing sexual problems people have. Hmm...

Complete List of the Clips I managed to find.

Core2 Duo

Cabbie & Nun - Hilarious

A cabbie picks up a Nun. She gets into the cab, and notices that the VERY handsome cab driver won't stop staring at her. She asks him why he is staring.

He replies: "I have a question to ask you but I don't want to offend you".

She answers, " My son, you cannot offend me. When you're as old as I am and have been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance to see and hear just about everything. I'm sure that there's nothing you could say or ask that I would find offensive."

"Well, I've always had a fantasy to have a nun kiss me."

She responds, "Well, let's see what we can do about that: #1, you have to be single and #2, you must be Catholic."

The cab driver is very excited and says, "Yes, I'm single and Catholic!"

"OK" the nun says. "Pull into the next alley."

The nun fulfills his fantasy with a kiss that would make a hooker blush.

But when they get back on the road, the cab driver starts crying.

"My dear child," said the nun, why are! you crying?"

"Forgive me but I've sinned. I lied and I must confess, I'm married and I'm Jewish."

The nun says, "That's OK. My name is Kevin and I'm going to a Halloween party."

Royalists on the Roll

The ball is finally rolling. The 'high-command' (as the self appointed, self proclaimed leader who cant stop saying enough about himself and his intrinsically interwoven ideas would like to call it) have made their final decision on the selection (like there were soo many choices of rib tickling humour out there without having to pawn your balls off, to barely get you through mere legalities of "Copyrights and Royalties", you'd think we had a tough time), and things are on the way. A good muster of fellow old (who want to be considered still young and able to approach that hot 16 yr-old shaking her ass to "My Hips Don't Lie" on the dance floor.. gettable) Royalists have been gathered up by all available methods of communication in this modern day an age (thankfully we didn't have to resort to an advertisement in the papers).

Dates for auditions have been set (which are bound to be postponed, courtesy of the Director who has a thing for not showing up, the shy bugger he is) and then practices of course (no more late Saturday nights they say.. have to be on time Sunday morning.. but that would mean nobody bring up the idea of "Alcohol" after practices on Saturday evening in the first place.. like to see how many sessions we get through.. considering the fact that the very first meet up, ended up with a 12,000 bill in our hands.. now who's bright idea was it to go there?).

Discussions of the 'portraying of the fairer sex' are never short, since everybody seems to come up with this chick or that chick (who they tried and tried.. and still want another shot at them) but she turns out to be either Married (happily I hope) or 10,000 miles away. Upon hearing this some other chappie would say, "Ado sirawata..." and then a gossip session would start.. till everybody.. including the security guard in the hut.. (turns out noise carries much longer than you expect) is properly briefed on the life and times of the said person... no no, we're not women just like to catch up on things.. women would analyze, theorize, categorize and another million "ize' things :)

So if you still haven't figured it out, we're getting ready for a Public Production of....... (maybe I'll keep you guessing for a while longer)!

Sanath says more than "Howzaat"

Got this in an email, so you might have already read it, never the less.. nothing short of a good laugh.. no offense Sanath.. Bat On!!

Most cricketers, who are not comfortable in conversing in English, go prepare for some standard questions that are asked to them when commentators chat with them during the awards ceremony.

Sanath was once asked a different question after Pakistan won the match, for which he was not prepared. He always used his standard response to the first question after winning.

But this time.....

Tony Greig: "So Sanath, that's fantastic, your wife is pregnant for the second time and u must be happy?'


"All credit goes to the boys. Everyone work hard for it, especially Sangakkara. It was tight situation when he went in. Also Watmore was keeping close watch on progress and giving instructions. It's all team effort. we all will work together as a team, put in big effort and deliver good result all the time and will be able to REPEAT the same result"

Tony fainted!!

Web reaches new milestone: 100 million sites

• The Web now has 100 million sites
• There were 18,000 Web sites in August of 1995
• Web sites have become a way to bond and belong

Source -

I caught this story thanks to my G.F. So can you imagine what has made most of the difference between 1995 and 2006? Well us of course. Although I have not contributed in an actual addition of a domain name as such, being a part of the Blog community makes me proud. :)

One Post to Rule Them All

The past few days have been really a sorry sight for my site, as I've been bogged down lately. Yes, I have to admit that work is getting the better of me, the dark side has gotten more powerful during this week and made bad things happen in consistently, like making our mail servers hang, or some form of program to corrupt and the site visits, seemed like i was never in my seat, at home my modem acts funny and for some weired reason doesn't want to dial. (Yes, I'm still in the archaic dial up era @ home, cant afford/find the use for adsl).

So along with this there were many incidents that affected me directly and indirectly that were worth a blog post and since I missed out on all of em, I thought the second best thing to do would be to summarize all of them into one singe post, hence "One Post to Rule Them All".. (not influenced by my night reading.. on the 5th book now)

1. Talent Search Organized by The Interact Club of Royal College (Fondly known as I.C.R.C. although they have no dealings with the LTTE or any N.G.O.'s)

Well true to the name this year, you had to actually search for talent (on stage that is) as I found only 3 performances worth writing home about. 2 Soloists Nevanthika and the dude from Lyceam who sang Drops of Jupiter, and there was this band was kinda ok. "Thriloka" did a guest, which was pretty good. Those guys need to stick to the traditional "Sinhala/local" pronunciation though, instead of going with "Thryloka".

2. Hayman First Leg at R.C.

We thrashed Thora 6-4 in a thriller drenched in rain, (to which I owe my flu in the weekend). Now getting into detail, I dont know jack about the game except you have to get the ball inside the goal, so I wouldn't know whether you can call it thrashed or lucky because I wouldn't know the minute details of the game, of who showed more potential and who's technique was better and crap like that. All I can say is we got 6 of em in, they got 4 and it seemed keenly contested. 2nd leg should be interesting, maybe make it a winning habit after last years, a good 14 years after.
3. Firefox 2.0 Release - Rediscover the Web indeed
Man I have been waiting for this a long time. I actually downloaded it and installed it at office, well the inbuilt spell check is fab! Most of the other features, I'd already incorporated with the a host of add-ons/extensions.

4. Ubuntu Edgy 6.10 Release

Now this I didn't expect. My god, these guys at Ubuntu are churning out O/S's like on a conveyor belt (true to their word, of not stagnating like most of the other Community Projects) . Now eat that Bill Gates! think you might hold on to your Vista release (the commercial proper) till you can copy some more off the Open Source community. And to think I couldn't even check out the "Breezy" release properly, I hope the XGL component is still included in this, need a new Graphics Card though to experience it (my nVidia Vanta 16MB aint good enough).

There that's it... oh almost forgot.. lemme take the opportunity to wish Shanaka (who drops by and shares his Expert Opinions on some of the Subjects I bring up) "All Z Bust" you are "OLD" my man... :)

Popularity & Paparazzi

It’s a common fact that with popularity comes le paparazzi. If you don’t believe me ask Princess Di (God rest her soul). So what has that got to do with me? Well it’s been a good 3-4 months since I launched my blog and lets just say that it’s catching up some visitors, making some ground, and basically has attracted more than a handful of loyal visitors some of whom who’ve taken the time to add my RSS Feed (Dont know how to, will do a post on that along with a review on Firefox 2.0) to their RSS readers, and some who just keep coming back “Old School” style (10 points to all of you coz you took the effort. Count on me to buy you Isso Wadei, when Galle Face re-opens).

So to cut a long story short, I’ve started getting hounded by le paparazzi of z bloggers! A.k.a Spam Comments. It was all cool for a while since they had “Good” things to say till y’day, I got this :

“Hey nice blog. Although it�s not what I was looking for. I am looking for info on Payday Loans or a Cash Advance so I can buy some Hoodia Diet Pills.. I found your blog very interesting

I mean the NERVE… so anyways sadly, I had to implement the “Word Verification for Comments”. I know this is an absolute pain, coz I myself can’t seem to get it right the first time (yes.. I know I’m dumb.. thank god they don’t use them for IQ tests). So all in all, this would be to apologize for any inconvenience caused to you good folks out there.
There are some brilliant work-arounds to this, if any of them could be incorporated with Blogger, please let me know and you shall regarded as “The Man”.

Sri Lankans eat Humble Pie Dished out by the Chickens

The Story begins like this. Once upon a time (Ok this is not a fairy tale..) there was a sport/game called Cricket played (to how the sport is played I wont get in) in a paradise isle called Sri Lanka. Now this country has been marred by needless violence by an ongoing war for 2 decades between the Govt and Separatist rebels. But among all this violence bombs going off and all life still goes on. Ask anybody. So a Cricket tour was scheduled between the Countries Sri Lanka, India and South Africa. Unfortunately upon their arrival a bomb went off, and the S. Africans got all scared and decided to run back to their own country (with their tails between their legs). Once they got back to their safe haven (Pls compare Crime rates of both countries), Mark Boucher being called a Coward (depicted as a chicken in the local newspapers) turned around and said "Bring It On"... so there you have a quick sum up of the build up to Y'days match, although the teams might not have had the same animosity towards each other, we Sri Lankans were hoping to have a big Brag, after the South Africans were well and truly beaten by us.

Unfortunately that was not the case to be. :(

So I’m not going to give my comments on the match coz I am not the Expert, I’d leave Shanaka and the others to do that. But since I own this space, and I have the cover of the “title” of the blog, I thought I’d voice my opinion on some points. (Yes, I know you thought I was going to keep my mouth shut… I’m sorry)

1. Our “Pace” bowlers cant bowl for toffees.

Dilhara is not fitting in. He cant handle the new ball, he cant handle the old ball, in other words he cant handle any ball. Plus the no balls. I think the coach need to keep the dudes fancy high priced wrist watch on the bowling crease and get him to bowl.

Malinga’s talented, but he needs to brush up. Whats the point of bowling at 80 miles an hour, if it’s not directed properly. It makes it soo much easier to dispatch to the boundary, and the slingy action only takes like a few balls for talented batsman to get used to.

And some one teach these dudes how to bowl at the end of an innings. I am no Bob Woolmer or John Dyson or Tom Moody, but come on you need to bowl yorkers and maybe some bounces. Not in-between!

Notice I’ve left Vaas out, coz he’s Medium Pace, and he sticks to his job. He has his bad days, but most good days.

2. Middle Order Batting

Has been strengthened by the return of Marvan, but I feel Chamara Kapugedara still can find a slot, after all.

3. Lower Order Battling

Our lower order sucks at batting. Buggers like Murali have played a tons of matches just go and have a whack for the fun of it. I mean hell this is International cricket. Get the bugger to play normal cricket shots. The way he’s going now, is just pleasing the commentators and giving them a good laugh and maybe get an inside edge to run off to the third man boundary.

It was clearly evident that there was no one to hang around Vaas and atleast bat out the innings. I mean we all knew after the dismissal of Jayewardene that it was pretty much over. The right thing to do (imo) would be to bat out the 50 overs, and have a go in the last two overs, just like the S. Africans did. After all we’ll be coming in on the net run rate, and if my math is correct that would be the no or runs you score against the no of runs your opponents scored. So it made every sense to bat out the overs and scrape every run possible.

There that’s all I can think of right now.. over and out…

Eid Mubarak

Yess.. Fasting is over and time for Feasting! Mmm smell of Biriyani and Wattalappan. This is to all those celebrating please remember the less fortunate (that would be me) and kindly invite me to your humble homes for the feast.

I hope the cleansing and purification of your souls went fine although I wonder whether it did any good to my friends (now they are all good souls.. mind you) but I bet they cant wait get back to their old routine. To keep away from the sight food and women is a hard life for anyone I should say.

BTW : Let me take this opportunity to say a belated “Happy Diwali” too, to those who celebrated it the other day.

Galle Harbour Under Attack

The LTTE terrorists have launched an attack at the Galle harbour and SL Navy camp Dakshina at 7.45 this morning.

Three explosions have occurred in this attack. Naval troops are retaliating the LTTE attack and the exchange of fire is still on.

Few casualties have also been reported and they were rushed to the teaching hospital in Karapitiya.

Reinforcement are been sent to the location.

More info will follow.

Source -

Suicide bombing at Sri Lankan port

COLOMBO - Suspected Tamil Tiger suicide bombers Wednesday infiltrated the port of Galle in southern Sri Lanka and were attacking facilities there, defense spokesman Keheliya Rambukwella told AFP.

"The attack is going on at the moment and we have no reports of any commercial shopping areas being attacked," Rambukwella said. "Obviously they have come to Galle on a suicide mission."

The spokesman said the military had sent gunboats into Galle -- a popular destination with foreign tourists -- to counter the attack by the rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

The military also maintains a base in the area and ammunition depots in Galle harbor, which is also used by commercial shipping companies.

Details of the attack were sketchy, but residents in Galle, located 110 kilometers south of the capital Colombo, said at least 10 explosions were heard and there was also gunfire in the area.

Police used loudspeakers to ask residents to leave their homes.

The attack on Galle came two days after a huge suicide bombing against a naval convoy in Sri Lanka that killed at least 103 people and wounded 150 others. AFP

Source -

As you can see there is no end in sight. Even though both parties are scheduled for peace talks on the 28th. I'd hate to predict more violence in the upcoming week. Even in Colombo....


COLOMBO, Oct 18, 2006 (AFP) - Suspected Tamil Tiger suicide bombers Wednesday infiltrated the port of Galle in southern Sri Lanka and attacked naval facilities, defence spokesman Keheliya Rambukwella told AFP.

Guerrillas in five boats broke into the habour and detonated powerful explosions, police said while reporting that two people were killed and 10 wounded in the early stages of the attack.

"The attack is going on at the moment," Rambukwella said. "Obviously they have come to Galle on a suicide mission."

He said there were no immediate reports of merchant shipping being attacked, but the naval facilities were under fire.

The spokesman said the military had sent gunboats into Galle -- a popular destination with foreign tourists -- to counter the attack by the rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)....

Pa-ster Po-sting

As fondly remembered by many of us (after one or more individuals over the annals of time have mispronounced or we call "CARD") also referred to as "Poster Pasting". Usually back in the day, this would be one of those things that every youngling would look forward to, a sign of becoming of age some would think.

Normally before an event, to popularize it many colourful and not so colourful posters would be designed and printed and then the daunting task of putting them up. Carried out during the wee hours of the night, close to the breaking of the dawn. Many a story can be told as it's doubtful than any such campaign has been completed "uneventfully".

The teenagers would jump to say they'd bring the car at the meeting, and would be later begging their fathers to let them have the family car or pickup, if driver not provided they would first resort to naming a few senior "aiyas" that would be there with them.

"4am at the Parlour" or so meeting places and times are agreed upon but often the crew would over-sleep and set off a good hour later (if they’re lucky). Once they assemble they'd realize that they forgot a vital essential required for the glue commonly referred to as "Pappa", and be found waking up folks at the hostel or looking for 24hours stores to buy the Flour or "Piti". This would be overcome by many a youngster coaxing their mothers to make the beloved "Pappa" at home but would often not get either the mixture right or underestimate the volume required. For making “Pappa” is a fine Art, it has to be watery enough to be applied by paint brushes but sticky enough to put a up the Poster. Anyway if you don’t run out of "Pappa" then you have been "Icing" on the job for that is the first to run out.

Often we'd stop at "Rahumaniya" or "Pilla" asking for hot water and some spare flour if we didn't have any and make do, for the rest of the remaining posters.

It's a common occurrence that many other events would be taking place in close proximity to your event’s calendar date and so the requirement for publicity and the space on billboards share are common relation. Therefore you'd find the posters that you happily put up being covered by a thick wall of some other form on the way back home just after your campaign. There has been many a fellow who'd run out and carefully peel off the new layer of posters to reveal their own, and leave the other posters at the foot of the billboard.

Fun and games turn sour when it comes to the times of General Elections where, we have had many encounters with JVP dudes (in their white colored vans) rather unhappy to find their posters being under a sea of "Talent Search" or "Drama Comp" or some other sort of Posters.

In the middle of the night when all sorts of odd characters that are known to prowl the streets and when they too have indeed gone to their own beds (or whatever they call it) does creativity strike in the young minds! Yes, that is the only explanation for posters put up at an angle, upside down or even leaving gaps to create some sort of pattern.

AH.. those were the days when the campaign ran late, and you ended up pasting near L.C. or Metho (or some other Girl school.. didn't mean any discrimination) when people you know walk past you [most of the time pretending not to know those who are dressed in hacked old t-shirts and shorts (spare the Adidas and the Nikes from the "Pappa") covered in "pappa" (obviously after a fight with paint brushes or leaning on a billboard freshly glued) with paint brushes in their hands] to school, confused and amazed are some of the looks that parents give us dropping their younglings off to school, often muttering to their kin “Those are the Boys that Daddy/Thatti warned you about!”

The remnants of the trip are not forgotten by either the merry men (now coming of age) or their vehicle as often the interiors are stained with the horrible "pappa" where the bucket spilt taking a fast corner or where the "pappa" clad hand opened the door etc.

I also forgot to mention that the open roads in the middle of the night bring out the "Schumacher" in everybody and want to take a turn at driving (often their first). The few experienced individuals would show off their ability to "Wheel Spin" while the others would make a great effort to keep the vehicle straight for a good distance before they realize the Handbrake is still on.

AH.. the memories of the "Good Old" . These were easily 7-9 years ago and wonder whether it's possible now with all these checkpoints and heightened security. Anyways what inspired this post was the sight of a single guy pasting a poster on a Lazy Sunday morning around 11am. When I ventured closer, I realized he was putting up a Poster for a Stamp Exhibition at R.C. and turned out to be a familiar face. He'd come with his driver and the car was parked beside the bill board and the driver waiting for him. Hmm.. now where is the fun in that I thought to my self?

Attack in Habaraba - 67 killed

LTTE terrorists rammed the Naval convoy at Digampatana in Habarana with an explosive laden vehicle around 1.30p.m today (Monday the 16th of October).

A huge explosion has occurred causing severe destruction to both naval personnel and the civilians in the area.

According to the latest information available at least 67 people were killed and over 60 people suffered serious injuries in the explosion. However, the sources said that the death toll and the casualty figures could be increased further.

The naval convoy comprising 15 buses were parked at the Diagmpatana rendezvous point at the time of the attack. Over 150 unarmed naval personnel who were going on leave were believed to be present at the location.

Hospital sources said five buses filled with the victims have reached the General hospital Dambulla. Those with critical injuries have immediately been air lifted to Colombo, Kurunegala and Kandy hospitals.

So is this the Start to Peace talks.. or is this what has been churning in the belly of those tigers?

Oliver at the Wendt

Saturday saw me hit the Wendt with my GF of course and some of her friends to witness the magic of the Workshop players in their rendition of Oliver. The twisted boy who doesnt seem to stray to the dark side (oops this is not Star Wars now is it) no matter how much he's exposed to it. Anyways I have yet to see the "theatrical production" of the book so this is a truly first for me. There fore my comments may be purely ignorant to just plain old stupid. :)

Upon arriving there was a sense of this is being a "Children's Play" dished out and murmur in the audience waiting outside for the door to be opened suggested it too. The no of kiddo's even in the balcony gave me un-easy feeling coz I was already getting a bad feeling of :
  • Either it's going to be a children’s play that is of low caliber or
  • Good adult play and the kids in the audience are going to ruin it with their constant nagging their mommies.
To my utter delight none of these were the case. Although the play had a majority of children involved in it, it was handled in a professional manner and the adult actors stole the show. The audience was pretty good apart from a kiddo crying for his mommy once in a while. (Wonder why these mommies cant keep their kiddo's with them instead of letting them sit alone and get scared)

So lets get on with the play, shall we? It was a musical as most would guess, and done very well I must say. The singing was beautiful to the ear, atleast most of it. They used clip on mic's, to their advantage in this case. It was obvious that they have rehearsed with them and got the sound levels balanced way before. Except for one occasion their wasn't any annoying feedback or mishandling of the mic's.

Actors(es) were pretty good in their portrayals. Nancy I would say stole the show. Fagin was great too, although his beard was a wee bit of a hindrance to his expressions (Or may be I'm just blind and my -2.25 glasses dont server their purpose anymore). Oliver was good but lacked clarity in his speech. Sikes was good too. However his appearance wasn’t as menacing as it could have been. I'd picture him with longer hair thick side-burns and maybe even some stubble on the face. The artful dodger's performance also needs some mentioning.

As always the production had some points they could improve, so let the critic in me do my business of pointing out in my opinion what could have been improved on.

The stage setting was nice, the props seemed to have been used well. There was a circular part of the platform that was on rollers and basically did a 360. The movement was fluid except for the noise it made. Maybe they could grease the wheels better. The problem was that the turning thingy was used a little too often. It worked well in some scenes like when Oliver runs away from the Funeral parlor and they use it to show both inside and out. But it was often turned with no purpose and felt more like "hey check out our new fancy gadget.."

Also it would have been nice if the curtain(I think it has finally given away, the runners weren't that cooperative the last time we used it) or the white screen they used was closed at the start as a sense of the magic was lost when you could see the stage before the production started in general house lights.

Playing the stage on two levels was nice, however it cut off the Balcony audience. I know we contribute only 200 bucks to the cause, but that doesn’t mean you should cut us off like that, as a fair proportion was played on the upper level. In such cases they should have brought the 2nd level a bit lower, so that it wouldn’t look like "headless" people singing.

On a side note : Those who are familiar with the Wendt staff, our beloved “Rupe” has had another fall, and most of the weight has gone on to the leg he broke the last time he had a nasty fall.

With regard to singing, some actors like Mr. Bumble had a tough time, I think he should have been relived of this heavy burden with all due respect to the actor. I hope this would be addressed. And that rather vulgar scene between the two, well with all the kids present hmm..

Finally correct me if I’m wrong but there was a part left out according to the book. But it’s understandable that you can fit in only soo much. Just haven’t seen the play before so wondering whether it was cut off by the Workshop players or is it the case originally.

Anyways that’s just me going at it. All in all I thoroughly enjoyed the production. 200 Bucks well spent!

Looong Weekend - Finally Comes to an End.

Why am I still talking about the long weekend on a Thursday? Well this post was due Wednesday morning the actual end to my extended long weekend, but unfortunately with extended holidays comes extended work as soon as you get back. So as you can guess I was a victim of that.

So getting to the weekend. It started off fine with some nice chilling and cleaning my room in patches. For the love of all I finally managed to unearth my bed and did most of the chilling on that. Everything seemed fine till I ate some form of indigestibles that just didn’t tally with my stomach on Saturday I believe and that was the beginning of the end as you may call it. I was ok in patches and managed to do the following during the weekend :
  • Evening stroll on the Mt. Beach with my GF and her friends on Saturday
  • Dropped in for Talent Search Semi's (man I tell you, that is the best way to feel "Old", be surrounded by teeny-boppers that you feel guilty to look at.
  • Catch the motor-show. (My beloved Rangie was there. :( So sad to depart. And soo many MG's. )

Besides that, it was all suffering. I was shitting like a I don’t know what. "Diarrhea" they called it. Anyways I found the two days of Medical leave I got (I say these doctors should be made MD’s of our Companies, they dish out Medicals like it’s their own company) was put to use at the hands of the “Lord Of The Rings”. Yes, finally managed to do some proper reading being disturbed only by my bowels and my GF checking up on me. Finished Book 1 and a bit of Book 2 in the two days. Yippeee. I tell you the movie is nothing like it. Atleast the normal edition. Yet to get my hands on the SEE (Special Extended Edition). 4 DVD’s per movie I’m told.

It got me wondering whether it’s better to read the book first and be disgusted at the movie (like with Da Vinci Code) or Watch the Movie then read the book and realize that there’s a lot more. After all I managed to follow the movie with out the book although some said it would be difficult. Hmmmm... Off to work now!

Mid Week Humour

I've been sick.. and this was a cheerful welcome in my email. Thought I'd share it with you till I find time to conjure up a post.

Checkpoints Galore and a Claymore

The morning saw two Kudda’s (Druggies) finding a Claymore in their attempt to salvage metal off the rail tracks. Ironic isn’t it, with all the Police Patrols a Kudda has to go find (accidentally of course.. rumour is it that he actually started hammering at it till some other dude pointed out that it was actually more than 15 kilos of metal)

From where did I hear the breaking news? All the way from Australia I tell you. Technology has so freaking improved that I had to then switch on to the YesFM Online just in time to catch their hourly bulleting confirming this.

Anyways the Police not to be left out started a massive search operation on various roads entering the city, and basically any other placed that would cause a huge traffic jam and an inconvenience to the public. Yes I got caught to it on my way to Rathmalana and yes I tried many routes to avoid it but to no avail. Hence this post is in front of you. 

For the benefit of the reader I have attached a pic of a Claymore Mine(off Battlefield) so you too can identify these fancy metal objects dotted around the city on your next evening stroll.

How do you want to go?

Last night was a Chaar-Scene. One of my friends father had passed away in the morning and therefore spent the night at his house. Which means I missed LOST (on ART TV). One of my friends said he has the complete season and he’d give it to me. But it’s just not right. Having the entire collection with you doesn’t seem right. That would mean I’ll start watching episode after episode non-stop thereby killing the enthusiasm and that hunger to know what happens next week. True it gives you an easy way out without having to watch all those annoying Ads in the middle, but that’s just me. I’d love to have the collection however as a reference of some sort after I’ve watched the series.

Anyways, getting back to the funeral, the cause of death was Liver failure, some sort of cirrhosis. In other words he’s drunk him self to death, although he’d stopped 6 years ago it had let to many complications. I'm no doc, I'm just putting out what I heard. Anyways it got me thinking “is this the way to go?“

The classic joke would be :

I want to go, just like my grandfather in “silent slumber”, not like his passengers screaming.

Something to think about…

Happy B'Day - Russell Peters

The anglo indian standup comedian turns 39 today. More info on (I dont need to say anything ya??) :

Happy B'Day Dude... In your words... "Be a Man.. Do the Right thing!!"

Buying Condoms - Friday Joke

A young man goes into a drug store to buy condoms.

The pharmacist says the condoms come in packs of 3, 9 or 12 and asks which the young man wants.

"Well," he said, "I've been seeing this girl for a while and she's really hot. I want the condoms because I think tonight's the night. We're having dinner with her parents, and then we're going out. And I've got a feeling I'm gonna get lucky after that. Once she's had me, she'll want me all the time, so you'd better give me the 12 pack."

The young man makes his purchase and leaves.

Later that evening, he sits down to dinner with his girlfriend and her parents.

He asks if he might give the blessing, and they agree. He begins the prayer, but continues praying for several minutes.

The girl leans over and says, "You never told me that you were such a religious person."

He leans over to her and says, "You never told me that your father is a pharmacist."

UNP Linked to Brothel

Ok ok.. I just had to put this up. Not that I'm engulfed in Brothel's or anything, but this is just to hilarious. The way the cookie crumbles, is just unbelievable.

After my last post, Last night while watching a Political Discussion on ITN, the JVP Parliamentarian Anura Priyadharshanayapa shows a lot of pics and says that the accused "Kumari Cooray" (brothel owner) is a staunch UNP'er, her husband was an old UNP dude, and has been sited with J.R., Premadasa and invited Karunasena Kodituwakku to the so called home in Palawatte.

However I figured it was Mr. Somawanasa's younger sister that was in question. According to Mr. Priyadharashanayapa it’s the eldest sister.
Lets see what happens next.... :)

Brothel Saga Continues

Continuation of my previous post.

Yesterday on Sirasa News First, new issues were highlighted, showing a row at the "Kaduwela Pradeshiya Sabha" meetings regarding this issue and an angry UNP Paliamentarian speaking at Parliament as to why they dont disclose the identity of the politician in concern, and say "Majour Political Party". He was pissed coz when you say Majour Political Party there are only 2. SLFP and the UNP.

Anyway, people who can lip read sinhala could hear him say "Somawansa Amerasinghege Nangi (Younger Sister)".

With all this happening one of my friends couldn't help but comment on the Women Arrested. Saying "Fit Badu". :)

Anyways I think Sirasa news is the program to watch. It's soo freaking Hilarious. It's like the Sri Lankan version of "The Daily Show" with Jon Stewert. (If you watch it with a applicable sense of humour).

Mid Week Humour

A woman takes a lover home during the day while her husband is At work.

Her 9-year old son comes home unexpectedly, sees them, and hides in The bedroom cupboard to watch. The woman's husband also comes home.

She puts her lover in the cupboard, not realising that the little Boy is in there already.

The little boy says, "Dark in here."

The man says, "Yes, it is."

Boy - "I have a football."

Man - "That's nice."

Boy - "Want to buy it?"

Man - "No, thanks."

Boy - "My dad's outside."

Man - "OK, how much?"

Boy - "$400"

In the next few weeks, it happens again that the boy and the Lover

Are in the cupboard together.

Boy - "Dark in here."

Man - "Yes, it is."

Boy - "I have football boots."

The lover, remembering the last time, asks the boy, "How much?" !

Boy - "$600"

Man - "Sold."

A few days later, the boys' father says to the boy, "Grab your boots and football, let's go outside and have a game of soccer.

The boy says, "I can't, I sold my ball and boots."

The father asks, "How much did you sell them for?"

Boy -"$1,000."

The father says, "That's terrible to overcharge your friends like

that. That is way more than those two things cost. I'm going to take you

To church and make you confess."

They go to the church and the father makes the little boy sit In the confession booth and he closes the door.

The boy says, "Dark in here."

The priest says, "Now, don't start that sh*t again. You're in MY cupboard now"


Sirasa News First - Fights Back.

Ok.. firstly neither am I a Sirasa Fan (although I love the MTV porgramme's) and the last thing I am is a JVP'er.

So now that's clear everybody know the row between the two. If you dont, VIC's the man to ask. So now JVP have come back at Sirasa calling it "Koti (Tiger=LTTE) Sirasa". So if you guys have been watching the news yesterday or day before, you'd have seen a big publicity given to a Police raid on a brothel.

Why? I mean these are done on a daily basis. And then re-opened and patronized by the same cops. So why make such a big fuss, featuring this brothel on two occasions? Any guesses?

Turns out that the Owner of the so called brothel, is none other than Mr. Somawansa Amarasinghe's (One of the JVP Leaders) sister, according to an email I received and the hinting on the news.

This is not to support Sirasa or anything but, just funny of how people can dig up some sort of dirt, and feature it on "Prime Time News". These guys are turning out to be like the Leader (Sunday News Paper).

Trip to Kandy - Bradby 2nd Leg

The much awaited post (after my take on the 1st leg) is finally ready for publishing. My apologies for not coming through sooner. This was not due to "Hang Over" problems but being drained out on Sunday, and loaded up with work on Monday. The trip yielded as many up's and down's you'd expected from a proper Roller Coaster ride. (I haven't had the luxury of it yet, but traveling in 120 Route Bus is a close second I believe).


Traveled in style. Our group/batch had organized a Bus (not just any bus.. one of those Jet Wing Tourist busses. Breakfast was provided on the bus, and lunch was arranged at Devon. Altogether there were 45 of us, from the batch, so got the chance to talk to most of them, and figure out who's doing what and catch up on old times. Basically nothing to complain about, and this part of the journey could be attributed to the "incline" of the Roller Coaster.

The Match

26-5 Trinity. Doesn't that say it all? I'm sure most of you have read the paper review, watched the match on TV or watched it live. So I won’t go into detail. Except the fact that we freaking lost! I mean the Royal Team looked so disorganized. I think the injury of the Center, Senanayake had a big effect in upsetting the team. Basically as predicted the lack of a proper Place Kicker lost us 8 points. 2 Penalties Nikki (Captain of the side, tried he's hand or foot at kicking) screwed up, and a kickable conversion was messed by Hassen him self. Something Jamaldeen should spend some time on.

Everybody looked lazy, or burnt out well before the 2nd half. Forwards didn't secure the ball at rucks or mauls and the line didn't charge the kicks made by the full back. Although the kicks didn't have the power not the height, when going for “up & unders”. Tackles were slow and lacked power. When that "Sean" dude started running it took like 3 guys to bring him down. Not that he's that big, but our guys weren't going low. I attribute the lack of fitness, to the warming up. They warmed up and did their drills for more than Half an Hour I think. Funny part of their drills was that during the tackles, they kept tackling late, which was the same case in the match and in the Pathana match too. Wonder why the Coach hasn't been speaking to the lads about this.

The Trinity side looked far superior and looked with brains on top of their shoulders. Made far lesser mistakes and made good the opportunities they got. The working of the line was pretty good, with the wingers cutting in, unlike our chaps who were caught thinking and getting tackled in the process, lack of forwards to support and eventually turning the good ball over.

Clearly this part can be attributed to the "down" side of the ride.

For those Automobile fans : A Ducati, Black Hummer and an RX8 were among the Vehicles that caught my eye.

Here are some reviews :
Shanaka (You need to organize that site mate, or start you blog mate)
Sunday Observer
The Nation

And the much awaited 2nd Leg Video off MTV/Sirasa TV (as I mentioned in my earlier post, download this fast, as they might take it off soon)
( Best Viewed on 360 X 288 Pixels Resolution Screen Size, To enhance Picture Quality Connect Your PC's VGA LINE OUT to your TELEVISION LINE IN )


After being heart broken during the match, the consolation was some sort of a fireworks display. 100 bucks seemed ok, considering the fire works. Anyway, the deal was I come to Kandy with one set, and stay the night with another set, thereby getting to spend time with more buggers, and in the end have more fun. Well the start to that wasn’t' that great. Why? The Van that they came had broken down on the way, so it was in the garage.

That meant we had to walk from the Grounds to Cargills, to stock up on essential items. Funny thing was, there were only few people that we didn’t know, each person I bumped into at Cargills was from Colombo, like the entire place was filled with them. Wonder whether it's the same feeling people get when they go to places like Melbourne?

After filling up on stocks, decided to grab dinner from the next door KFC, as the lunch at the Bungalow ended up being too authentic (looking at the card they gave us, it doesn’t say anything of Authentic Chinese, only Traditional Sri Lankan & Western Cuisine) for the liking of my friends. After that it was a bloody long walk, in the night back to the bungalow, with stocks in hand, and my heavy bag. Walking around the Nuwera Weva, in some what darkness and the incline and decline of the hills, could be definitely attributed to more downward slopes in the Roller Coaster ride. To add to it, once you get there you realize that the Mobile Signal of all three operators, is only available in the garden at one particular spot. :) Need I say more?

The Night

Hmm, since we did not have transport to check out any night spot in Kandy, we decided to stay in and get high. It was fun, watching each other getting high on their own potent nectars, from Martini (Yes, one dude drank a whole bottle of it, don’t ask why?) to Smirnoff to White Rum and a bit of left over OR. As is always the case we found the shandy running out, why because some dude bought like 7 bottles of Coke at Cargills, and finished their stock. I'm pretty sure we sang the chorus's of pretty much every song we could think of from English to Sinhala, with the accompaniment of one of our chappies strumming away at a guitar till he's fingers were numb. This point of the trip can be attributed to the highest point of the ride. Felt we were closer to heaven at that moment (no no, I wasn't that high, and didn't get myself blind drunk). It was called a night around 3am, although many of the souls were knocked out before that.

The Morning

I woke up around 6am. No hang-overs as I was well within the limit. One of our buddies who was called upon for some emergency “rolling” had to leave early, to catch up with his set. After saying bye to him, I got out my IPOD, looked around at the rest of the buggers fast asleep. The dude at the Bungalow was cleaning up and asked me how the night was. I told him it was good, and asked him whether we kept him up with all that singing. He just smiled. Offered me a cup of tea and started chatting, asking me what I do for a living where I am from etc. He then got on to say how there were lots of people from Colombo in the City last evening, and lot of nice girls and how he could tell they were from Colombo. So I asked him How? He was telling me by the way they dressed. Supposedly Kandy is more conservative, girls don’t dress in tight/mini skirts to go to Town. Only when they go Clubbing or similar sort of places. The disadvantages of a small town, is everybody knows everybody and rumors spread fast if you wear something short, or do something not so conservative. :)

After that, I strolled down the road for a morning walk. Funny thing was people kept staring at me, that is when I realized I was still wearing my skinny and shorts. I don’t think many people in Kandy are use to seeing a Hairy bugger walking in the morning with an IPOD. I ended up near the Nuwara Weva (Kandy Lake), and was chilling on a bench, my god the atmosphere was so serene, no hustle an bustle of the City, (maybe coz it was a Sunday) little kids dressed in white going to Sunday School. I decided I need to live in Kandy. Soon a "Bulath" (Beatle) selling dude pushed his cart and started selling. He seemed to be a regular coz all the people passing by smiled and said "Good Morning" and gave me a weird look. I came to the bungalow a good one an half hours later to find about half of the group awake and chatting about the previous night, while one by one the others got up, some complaining about Hang-Overs and others still High.

This part was the lateral movement from the previous highs reached on the Roller Coaster.


Just before we left, we got the bill. Realized that the bed tea, served on a table cost 30 bucks each, the string hoppers, pol (coconut) sambol, potato and fish curry cost each person 250 bucks. Need I say more?

The van was fixed, in the sense the alternator had got fried. So the driver had charged the battery over night at some other joint, and hooked it up, disconnected the everything that could kill the battery (Brake Lights) and we drove off to Colombo without A/C as well. Did I mention that I got stuck on a jumper seat from Kandy to Colombo? Oh yes, my butt didn’t find that too entertaining specially a big bugger like me self. The repercussions of that ride were felt all through out the next day I tell you. So you would guess that coming back was a bit of a Low.

There, that’s the end to the Roller Coaster Weekend I had. Hope you enjoyed reading it.

What to Shout at Rugger Matches

Ok it's the Bradby Weekend, and many of you will be heading down for the Game, so I believe this might come in handy. Even if you don't please bookmark the page, so it'll be around for the next Rugger season (providing that you don’t reformat your machine).

Objective :

Make the geek in you, sound like the "Ultimate source of Rugby Knowledge" and make you the cool dude. (I cannot guarantee whether it'll get you chicks. Your looks will have a big say in that.. await a post on how to improve your looks)

Assumptions :

In order to follow the command's you'll need a prior understanding of the game. For eg :

a) Ability to tell your team from the other.
b) Ability to tell the Referee (referred to as Ref in the rest of post) apart from the players .
c) Tell the linesman (the dude in shorts on either side, with a flag in hand, no they are not cheerleaders of either side) apart from the security personal on the side lines, and maybe the Sirasa TV crew.
d) Relative understanding of positions. (No not the Kamasutra and When I say hooker, I don't mean Russian.)

Finally.. Things to Shout Out :

1. "Support", "Forwards", "Over It"

This is when your boy gets tackled and a bunch of players are trampling his genitalia. A common incident that happens in regular intervals. You wouldn't look out of sorts by shouting this.

2. "Off Side"

The difference between off-side and on-side is a fine line that even the Ref, has trouble defining. Therefore feel free to shout out, at usual junctures of the game. (Obviously not during a stoppage of play though. Eg - Half Time)

3. "Holding On Sir", "Not releasing"

Unlike no 1., please feel free to shout this out, when the opponent’s boy gets tackled (with the ball of course, would be rather embarrassing if he appears not to have the ball with him). Please make sure that you give ample time for your boys to go about trampling the Opponent.

4. "Work it down", "Pass it down"

This never happens, because the coach and the players beg to differ, but the "ultimately cool" thing to shout. Make sure you shout it out when the ball is given to those skinny legged players that stand in what would looks like a line across the field. Hence the word "line".

5. “Get-em”, “Bring him down”, “Deepan Okata

When an opponent starts to run with the ball. This doesn’t mean that they are going to wait till you shout the above to tackle the chap. But after hearing your encouragement your team might decide to treat him in a "friendly manner" while tackling him.

6. "Shove Royal" - assuming your an RC supporter.

This is when a bunch of the fat buggers (Fat Doesn't mean they look less sexy, it's actually more - for the women folk out there) from your team get together and seem to run into a bunch of your opponents. The players must be on their feet, and must continue to curse each other while the Ref isn't looking. The moment they drop to the ground, find it applicable to shout something like "Out it".

7. "Send Him Out"

When a Ref pulls up a player for a friendly chit chat and discuss the day's proceedings, maybe ask the bloke whether he has any cute sister's, shout the above at the top of your voice. Oh BTW, make sure the player in concern is not wearing the Jersey of the Team you happen to support. If the Ref hears you clearly, he will take the opportunity to flash something yellow (I meant a card.. lol), and send that chappie for a well deserved break.

8. "Referee Hora"
When the Ref doesn't hear you in no 7, or the situation in no 7 is happening to one from your team, or if your side is losing shout it out. Specially if a Sirasa TV Camera Crew is nearby. If frustrations run wild, and you find throwable objects nearby don’t be shy to aim at the linesman. The cardinal rule is not to get caught. As soon as the crime was committed, look at the people around you to avoid suspicion. More information can be gathered by speaking to your friends at Thurstan and Isipathana.

9. "Good Touch"

When a boy on your side, is about to make an attempt to kick the ball away, you can shout this out in encouragement so he'd stop eyeing the cute chick in the grand stand and remember to kick the ball out, even though it doesn't seem to travel that far, make sure you applaud and try to figure out who the bloke was eyeing. (That might be your GF with her Rich Parents, while your stuck in the Concrete Tiers)

10. "Ball Out"

This is when a scrum, that is when the heavier dude's of the teams face each other and appear to kneel and pray for the ball to come out their way, technically speaking the Ref, doesn't like them resting their knees. As soon as you see the ball bubbling out on the opponent's side, shout this out. Not that anybody on the field will hear you, and turn this into an opportunity. It will simply appear to the people around you, that your on "top" of the game.

BONUS : "Brian Homa"

If the Rugger match has been rated as popular as the "Sirasa Super Star" programme, you might find the likes of Mr. Brian Thomas giving an introduction prior to the start of the match. Feel free to shout this out, with an opportunity to be selected for the next “Sirasa Super Star” star search. It would be ideal if you could get a friend to shout out "Tell us something we don't know" in unison.

Disclaimer :

Please note that I will not be held responsible for any negative feedback you receive after following the above. If in case you get into trouble, I'm pretty sure that you have missed atleast one step. In doubt please shout out what the others' shout. Find out what team they support prior to this.

I'd also encourage you to count the no of opposition supporters around you, prior to shouting out the above mentioned. A life insurance policy is also a wise option unless you are a hefty bugger that can take a few blows or a skinny bugger that can squeeze through a tight situation. Note - Don't count on your friends to bail you out. Specially the drunk one's.

If any good comes about (I sound very optimistic. Don’t I?) after following my steps please recommend my blog to your friends, who are dying to be as "cool" as you are. I will soon be starting up an Approved Charity where you could donate your life savings towards a movement that would encourage Geeks to be the New Cool Dude's in town.

Contributors are encouraged to add their own things to shout, but would emphasize that I will not be responsible for any negative outcome. If it is positive, I already thought about that, but had to limit my list to 10. :)


* Pics have been added to illustrate for the pure geek in you.