Forgotten the hero while living, honoured in death!

The funeral of our fallen hero took place with all the works, state honours, gun carriage etc. but behind the scenes his family is still mourning their loss.. What they had to go through to release the body of Maj Gen Parami Kulatunga, was told to the Sunday Papers.

Also raised in the papers was, why the Maj. Gen wasn't given quarters in the Army H/Q, as he had 28km to travel to work spending 2 hours on road making him an easy target for anybody. (Not that anybody wanted to murder him.. only one!)

Further I wonder the 3rd in command of the army traveling in a Peugot 406 with a measly L200 for back-up. No motorcycle out riders, no defenders just a L200. I wonder where all they were, probably assigned to a son or a daughter of a politician who thinks their lives are in danger. Had the 406 been armored the outcome would have been different.

Another war hero that we have neglected is admiral Daya Sandagiri. I know that he's been interdicted for an Arms Deal, but this has left him exposed, taking away his guard etc. he has fought many battles and brought many victories so lets pay the guy some respect, innocent till proven guilty, or will we be participating in another ironic full military honours funeral?