War for Water?

What better cause to start a war? If not Land, Water is a good enough reason. (Or is there ever a good enough reason for War and Blood Shed?) It won't be the first time in history. Now I don't mean to light a spark or create rumors, but just want to acknowledge the fact that the "war footing" has been heightened, with the Government forces launching a move to secure the Mavilaru reservoir, and the LTTE vowing to retaliate if confronted.
This all started with the closing down of the gates sluice gates to the Mavliaru reservoir, which supplies water to 30,000 odd people in the area.
According to source SLA, have positioned them selves close to the anicut, around 5pm today, and were in the process of de-mining the area to get to the gates. The actually success of the mission will be known tomorrow, when we know whether the SLA managed to get the job done without confronting the LTTE, or was there one.
If a confrontation occurs, it would be the first major confrontation between both parties since the cease fire, and might very well be the starting point to what will be known as a fully fledged war.
This is all speculation by myself, and while I hope this matter could be resolved in a sane manner, I don't see any hope for it.


Voice in Colombo said...

Tigers are sending warning messages through SLMM, that they'll attack Colombo in retaliation, if SLA enters Mavil Aru area. That was the messege passed by SLMM spokesman, and LTTE spokesman in last nights MTV news.

Sam said...

Lets wait and see.. Shall the government get the grip back again or lose it again.